Home Renovations – How Abstraction Can Help
We know it sounds a bit– well, abstract– but when it comes to home renovations and interior designing, anything to help you visualize your dream remodel is useful. In this post, we’re taking a look at abstraction, which is basically just using art to depict something in a non-representational way– like “drawing” a loved one by sketching a picture of their favorite things. Using this idea to generate ideas for your space is a great way to get your creativity working.
Geometric Shapes
It’s a pain to draw out the exact shapes of furniture and decorations, but sketching out the closest geometric shape– i.e. a rectangle for a coffee table, a circle for an ottoman– saves you a lot of time and effort, especially if you’re trying to decide between layouts. You can also get a rough idea of how the room will look with the actual furniture this way. Just make sure your shapes are generally to scale! Another tip: consider cutting the shapes out to shift them around on an outline of the room to avoid redrawing them over and over.
Filling out the colors on your room outline can include shapes or leave them out– all that matters is placing the colors in the general vicinity of where they ought to be. For example– if you’re planning to put a red cedar TV stand on one corner, color the corresponding paper corner red. This should give you an idea of your desired color scheme and help you decide which furnishings might look good together. After all, what else are paint chips for? Take this idea a step further and color in the shapes you’ve drawn (bonus: you have a nice piece of abstract art to hang on your fridge when you’re done– just like at the Met…) to get the full look.
Getting into the nitty gritty, textures are a bigger part of home design than you might think. Ask your contractors for samples of carpeting, rugs, wood, granite, etc. to add another layer to your design plans. If you’re really crafty, you could even add some of those to your existing shape abstract art plans– although we’d recommend stopping short of building a full model!
Ready for a Remodel?
We can help! Our team’s expertise extends well beyond the realm of fencing and decking. If you need any home remodeling in or around Baltimore, MD, then Excel is your go-to company. We offer the best in customer service alongside unbeatable prices and top-quality construction materials. Contact us today through our quick online form or give us a call at 410-803-9499 and let the journey with Excel Fencing and Decking begin!