Leaf Blowing Basics
Watching the leaves change colors is one of our favorite parts of fall! But having to clean them up afterward—not so much. Fortunately, we have access to technology like leaf blowers to make this task a little easier. If you’ve never used this particular piece of equipment before or you just need a little refresher, you’re in luck! Today, we’re breaking down leaf blowing basics for any size yard.
Realistic Expectations
Before you even turn your leaf blower on, it’s important to keep your expectations in check. Is this method easier than raking your entire yard by hand? Yes. Is this going to magically make every leaf outside disappear? No. The idea is that you’re able to move large quantities of leaves in bulk, so they’re in one (or two, or three) manageable piles. You’ll still have to move them into a large bag or tarp, as well as rake a few stragglers. But, overall, you’ll be saving a lot of time and energy.
The Perfect Day
Consider the weather before breaking out your leaf blower. Remember, dry leaves are much lighter (and therefore easier to move) than wet ones. So, try to find a series of dry days where you’ll have plenty of time to move and gather the leaves at your own pace. Wind is an important factor, too. It’s extremely counterproductive to try to move leaves in the opposite direction that the wind is blowing. If the wind just naturally moved these objects where we wanted, we wouldn’t need lead blowers in the first place! Still, do your best to work with the conditions at hand. If you can manage this task on a clear day, you’ll have better control! Otherwise, at least try to pick a day where there’s a light wind going in the direction of your pile. Trust us on this one.
With a Plan
Where do you want your leaves to end up? Do you have a compost pile? Or a wooded space where they won’t get in the way? If you must move them, plan to lay a tarp down first and then just blow the leaves on top of it. You may need to secure the sides, so they don’t get carried away by the leaf blower, too.
Start at the outsides, moving in one direction so you’re not just blowing the leaves back and forth. When it comes to control, less is more. Use a low setting and sweeping side-to-side motions to slowly move all of the fallen foliage exactly where you want it to go. Once you’ve gotten most of them, pack it up and relax! Until next time, that is.
Happy leaf blowing! As far as household chores go, this one isn’t too bad. Especially with the right equipment on your side. Still, it’s an important task since wet leaves that are left to rot can cause damage to your roof, gutters, deck, fencing, and more! While it’s nothing we can’t repair or replace, this maintenance task should keep your outdoor areas looking fresh and clean this fall.