Outdoor Graduation Party Ideas
It’s that time of year again, and students are graduating left and right! From high school seniors to graduate degree recipients, you want to make the day as special as possible. These types of celebrations happen to fall at the perfect time of year for outdoor gatherings– warm but not too hot and in the midst of nature’s full bloom. Here’s our outdoor graduation party ideas and how to host an awesome graduation bash outdoors this spring!
Maximize Your Space
We’d be remiss if we didn’t take this opportunity to gush about the convenience of backyard decks. When you’re holding an outdoor party at home, a patio or deck is pretty much the dream location. With easy access to both the house and yard, these settings are the perfect in-between for hosts juggling food setup, seating, and mingling areas. Our advice? Keep food out of the sun by setting up just inside the house or under a canopy on the deck or patio. This keeps you from having to ferry platters and drinks over a wide area while also keeping them close to where you’ll probably have guests sitting to eat.
Outdoor Graduation Party Ideas for Yard Games
If you’ve got ‘em, use ‘em! With kids and adults alike, everyone wants to have fun, so yard games are always a great idea. From a portable volleyball net or horseshoes to a couple of soccer balls, the extra entertainment can be your backup or main event. Setting up a white board on an easel or leaving chalk on the driveway for a scoreboard will entice competitive spirits and get people moving!
Anticipate the Weather
Spring being spring, the weather can get a little unpredictable. Make sure to have your eye on the forecast and keep a Plan B in your back pocket in case those rain clouds move in or the sun gets a little too intense. Portable canopies and tents work for both rain cover and shade. If you only have a few, prioritize covering the food and any chairs. For the heat on a particularly sweltering day, consider breaking out the electric fans and buy a few extra bags of ice. Got kids? Being a water balloon target might seem a lot more appealing once the sun’s been beating down for a few hours!
Be Flexible
You know what they say about the best laid plans, but relax and try not to worry! Graduation parties are meant to be fun and celebratory, including for the host. Try to be flexible and have a couple backup options for anything particularly important. Corny as it may sound, the only thing that really matters is celebrating with the people you love.
We hope these tips have been helpful! If you’re thinking of making your home more your own, our team has got your back. At Excel, we take pride in every project we take under our wing. It is your smile and a handshake with a job well done that fuels our ongoing effort to provide the absolute best in quality and service! We warmly welcome you to reach out with any questions you may have regarding any fence, deck or remodeling project in or around Baltimore, MD. You may call us directly at 410-803-9499 or fill out our contact form here and one of Excel’s representatives will contact you promptly. We look forward to working with you!